Amelia loves her Dexter. In fact, she is always sitting in his bed with him, wrestling him, pestering him. I think she thinks he's the "other brother," the furry one. He certainly does act like part of the crew.

The furry boy himself. Dexter is doing so much better after the car accident. He goes back to the doctor this week and we assume he will be all clear. The only things we notice at this point (because he's our furry kid), is his jaw is a little crooked and his left eye is a little "hazy." I'm sure the eye is a little impaired, but that's really small in the scene of things knowing what the outcome could have been.

Testing out the new camera...I've had to play with the settings to try and figure it out, but so far it's a good camera. Isn't Parker still cute?

And Loudon bug...we're really working on him NOT SUCKING THE DUMB THUMB! It's been a tough one for him to give up. He's not quitting cold turkey!

Ah, love! Amelia sure does adore her brothers. She's still calling Parker "CACA" and Loudon "DODO." She says so many words now--Daddy, Mommy, Nana, Papa, Titi (for Auntie), goggie (for doggy), cookie, coat, etc. She's even been starting to put words together like, "Daddy go." So fun!
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